Without electromagnetic pollution, we live longer, we live better.

Cómo La Lámpara de Luz Ámbar Transformó el Sueñ...
Dormir profundamente es esencial para nuestra salud, pero cada vez más personas se enfrentan a noches interminables de insomnio sin encontrar una solución efectiva. Hoy te contamos la historia de...
Cómo La Lámpara de Luz Ámbar Transformó el Sueñ...
Dormir profundamente es esencial para nuestra salud, pero cada vez más personas se enfrentan a noches interminables de insomnio sin encontrar una solución efectiva. Hoy te contamos la historia de...

¿Problemas para dormir? Descubre cómo filtrar l...
Si has llegado hasta aquí, probablemente estás buscando respuestas para mejorar tu descanso. Quizás te cuesta conciliar el sueño, te despiertas constantemente durante la noche o sientes que no descansas...
¿Problemas para dormir? Descubre cómo filtrar l...
Si has llegado hasta aquí, probablemente estás buscando respuestas para mejorar tu descanso. Quizás te cuesta conciliar el sueño, te despiertas constantemente durante la noche o sientes que no descansas...

Are cats affected by electromagnetic fields?
Exposure to high-frequency EMF can cause biological responses in cats, such as alterations in brain rhythms and possible effects on the central nervous system.
Are cats affected by electromagnetic fields?
Exposure to high-frequency EMF can cause biological responses in cats, such as alterations in brain rhythms and possible effects on the central nervous system.

The Microondas, extremely dangerous
Did you know that the Microwave generates high levels of radiation when in use? This is one of the appliances under the spotlight in our kitchen. electrosmog It is present everywhere, even...
The Microondas, extremely dangerous
Did you know that the Microwave generates high levels of radiation when in use? This is one of the appliances under the spotlight in our kitchen. electrosmog It is present everywhere, even...

Treating ASD in Children: How Combating Electro...
Recent studies have indicated that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) , generated by electronic devices and wireless networks, can worsen the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) , especially in children, who...
Treating ASD in Children: How Combating Electro...
Recent studies have indicated that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) , generated by electronic devices and wireless networks, can worsen the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) , especially in children, who...